What stops most people from being successful and living their full lives?
Have you ever thought about that?
I’m not talking about becoming the next Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Mark Zuckerberg. There are many more ways to define success than those extraordinary cases. I’m talking about taking your passion and following it to wherever it takes you — if you enjoy writing, then becoming a writer. If you enjoy cooking and food, then opening up a food truck. If you are passionate about politics, then start a podcast discussing the latest events.
I’m not saying you have to be the best in the world, or that you have to become a billionaire. What I’m saying is to ask yourself one question…
If it’s something I love to do, can I make a modest living doing it?
Whatever you want to do, there are people in the world doing the same thing. They may not be the best in the world, or the most successful, but they were able to carve out a niche for themselves. They’re invested and are following their dreams. Can you be one of those people?
Let me answer that for you, YES. Every one of us can be one of those people.
Wouldn’t life be that much better if you could make a living doing what you were most passionate about? What if you could make a living doing exactly what you want to do? Even if you’re not a millionaire, or the most famous, that pride from knowing that what you’re building is entirely yours. The freedom to not be locked down, no longer waiting on others telling you what, when and how to do something. That would be amazing.
Is what I’m asking unrealistic, is it too hard?
There are stories out there of people just like you and me that have decided that they are going to stop working and living for others. They have decided to start living for themselves.
What is the difference between you and them?

Every day hundreds if not thousands of people just like you and me decide once and for all to follow their dreams. We are not so special that we are uniquely disqualified from following in their footsteps. We don’t have extra forces working against us compared to them. We definitely can get on that same road as them. The only difference is that we haven’t made the same commitment they’ve made for something better.
Have you ever asked yourself, what’s truly stopping you from even attempting to follow your passions?
I’m not talking about excuses like it’s too hard, unconventional or unrealistic. I’m talking about what real and tangible roadblocks are deliberately preventing you from doing what you want to do? For whatever number you can come up with, how many truly have zero solutions to them? If you answer these questions honestly, you will see that the path towards your dreams is less a dense forest with no clear way forward, but a path with a fallen branch on the road. If you pay attention you could step aside of the branch and continue on your travels. But if you don’t pay attention you might trip over it and even then you can still get up and continue on your way.
Following your dreams is as realistic as you imagine it to be. If you believe something is impossible, then you will never get it done, even as other people complete it in front of you. But if you believe it’s possible, then they’re no longer dreams. They become a reality.
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